Thursday, June 3, 2021

Five Tips for Selling Your Services on Fiverr 2023 II FIVERR GIG PROMOTION WORLDWIDE II DATA ENTRY EXPERT

Five Tips for Selling Your Services on Fiverr

  1. Choose A Suitable Username: The jury is still out on the ranking algorithm used by Fiverr in the search results but recent changes seem to have placed a lot of emphasis on the username and you’ll find usernames which match the keywords you searched for ranking near the top.Try to include keywords related to the services you plan to buy in your username. This could change in the future so consider other factors like number of completed gigs, ratings, freshness,etc.Fiverr has said in the past that they try to give new gigs more exposure but that’s not apparent judging by the current search algorithm.
  2. Make Small But Interconnected Gigs: One of the ways the top sellers make their money is to provide a range of interconnected gigs for people to buy so once they’ve bought one they can buy a second and third gig from you.One area where this works very well is if you are offering SEO-related gigs. For example, you might offer to write an article for $5, then you can offer to post that article as a guest post on your blog in another gig for $5. Then you can offer your social bookmarking service to get the new article indexed for another $5. Next, offer to spin any article for $5 and before you know it you have turned a $5 customer in a $20 one (well, $16 after those fees!).When you have interconnecting gigs, don’t forget to mention them when you deliver your project.
  3. Make Gigs That Can Be Done Quickly In Batches: Remember, you are only being paid $4 to do the gig so don’t go giving yourself an ulcer spending 10 hours a day to earn $10. Make sure your gig is small enough to do in 10 minutes or can be done in batches.There are plenty of “I will write anything you want in sand” kinds of gigs, but if you have to drive to the beach you’ll spend more on gas than what you earn!If you batch them together in to 10 or more gigs then you can easily finish it off in an hour. (And on a side note, if you offer a “will write anything in sand” gig, why not take a video as well as a photo and reverse the video so that as the sea recedes the message is revealed?)If you are a writer, work out how much you can write in 10 minutes on a topic you love and then quote that in the gig, If you can write 300 words in 10 minutes then offer a 300-word article on that topic for $5.
  4. Offer Bonuses On New Gigs: You are competing against thousands of other sellers on Fiverr so offer some kind of incentive to get people to buy your gig and generate reviews.One way to do this is to offer a bonus to the first 10 buyers or so. The bonus needs to be so valuable that the buyer wants the bonus more than they want the actual gig.If you are already an established seller then you might already have enough of a following so that when you launch a new gig you don’t need to offer such a valuable bonus.
  5. How to create a Gig: Your Gig is the service that you sell on Fiverr. Creating your Gig is an opportunity to show off your talent and provide buyers with all the information they need to help them decide to do business with you.
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